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Harkness chairs

Phillips Exeter Academy Harkness Chairs

Another Successful Project with Phillips Exeter Academy


Phillips Exeter Academy, a repeat customer, reached out to us for yet another project. This time, we partnered with Hudson & Company to deliver Harkness Tables and Chairs. Hudson & Company built the tables for the project using a 90-year-old design that was originally developed by Edward Harkness. The traditional Harkness table is 7 feet wide, 11 feet long, and seats 12 students.


Harkness Leaning


The Harkness style of learning was originally created to facilitate collaborative learning. Both students and teachers use the Socratic method. In addition, the Harkness Method allows students to develop interpersonal skills such as the ability to speak up, listen to others with compassion, and develop empathy for others. Furthermore, students learn best by listening to the ideas and thoughts of their peers and formulating and articulating their own opinions. 


Eustis Harkness Chairs 


So, that’s where we come in! In fact, we’ve been making custom Harkness Chairs for Hudson & Company Tables for some time now. We design these chairs to fit perfectly under the Harkness table. We custom-match every detail in the design of the table. This includes stain, spindles, and leg turners to provide the perfect match with its table counterpart. In order to ensure that our chairs would withstand the daily wear and tear of the classroom environment, we constructed them with our patented Eustis Joint. Of course, all of our chairs with a Eustis Joint come with a 20-year warranty. 


Interested in the Harkness Chair? Contact us with any questions.


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